My wife, Lisa, and I came to Rick and Sharine Metzler from a different path -- When Rick and Sharine started The Pit Malibu a year ago, our son, Harry signed on immediately. Now, a year later, the love, discipline and support Rick and Sharine have given Harry continues to be one of the foremost reasons why, at 7 1/ years old, he is the beautiful, compassionate, and fine young man he is. I can s...
My wife, Lisa, and I came to Rick and Sharine Metzler from a different path -- When Rick and Sharine started The Pit Malibu a year ago, our son, Harry signed on immediately. Now, a year later, the love, discipline and support Rick and Sharine have given Harry continues to be one of the foremost reasons why, at 7 1/ years old, he is the beautiful, compassionate, and fine young man he is. I can say from this first hand experience that The Pit is a whole other level of martial arts and fitness; it starts in the heart and soul, and expands to the physical and the intellectual, with an emphasis on fairness, kindness and good will. Lisa and I consider it a gift and an honor to have Rick and Sharine, their son, Sage, and The Pit in our lives. Thanks, you guys, we love you
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John Lang
Writer-Malibu, CA